Monday, September 14, 2009

That's Not a Demo...

THIS is a Demo! I am talking about the upcoming demo for Uncharted 2 that is set to hit the PSN on September 29th.

So what makes this demo... THE demo? Well, it mostly comes down to sheer volume. The good folks at Naughty Dog have put pretty much everything they could into the demo (possibly even the kitchen sink). Stretching the limit, this 1.5gig Download has more maps and features then I have ever seen in a public demo. So, let's break it down and a take a good look.

First off, the demo will include 4 Multiplayer maps, 4 Adversarial game modes, 2 Co-op modes, full Cinema mode (For recording and editing matches), Custom game sets, new Skins, Upgrades and much more!

Developer Naughty Dog said that they wanted to give you as much as possible in a reasonably sized file. Sounds to me like they succeeded. The only down side is that the demo will only be available up to the Launch of the full game, which is set to hit store shelves on October 13, 2009. So that only leaves you with about two weeks of fun before you have to go out and buy the full game.

Still, it should be more than enough time to get a solid taste of what's to come. And as mentioned above, this demo will be made public for anyone with a PS3 (and internet connection). So set your calendar and get ready to check it out for yourselves. See you online!

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