Wednesday, September 9, 2009

PS3 Ad Pulled

A funny PS3 ad? Surprisingly, Yes. For the first time in a long time (maybe forever) Sony has managed to put out very clever ads for the PS3. They started around the same time as the new PS3 slim and price drop to $299.00. Here it is in all it's glory...

Unfortunately, not everyone thought the ad was so funny. Apparently the Country of Nigeria is not too pleased over some of the wording in the ad. More specifically the line

"You can't believe everything you read on the internet. Otherwise, I'd be a Nigerian millionaire by now."

Claiming that the ad is an "unwarranted attack on the reputation and image of the country" And they are demanding the ad be pulled and an official apology be issued.

Unfortunately for us, Sony has complied and pulled the ad from the air. They did reissue the ad with new wording but it's not quite the same. The line now reads...

"You can't believe everything you read on the internet. That's how WWI got started."

They also issued the following official apology:

"It has come to our attention that a recent TV advertisement for PlayStation may have offended some members of the Nigerian community. We never intended to create a situation that would upset anyone, and we have taken action to immediately remove the advertisement from the air. We apologize to anyone this may have offended."

It really is too bad. In my opinion the line was not offensive or an attack on Nigeria but rather a commentary on how ridiculous the "Nigerian Scam" is. Furthermore, it's not Sony's fault that these scams exist or that they are now a pop culture reference. Many comedians have made similar jokes in the past but unfortunately, Sony is catching the heat.

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