And here is the conclusion of my Games of Fall special. A brief look and some of the most wanted games on my radar (that weren't pushed back to 2010). Today, we are finishing up with the last two games to make the cut. Enjoy.
Left 4 Dead 2 (360)
Release Date: 11/17/09 (No official Release Date for the PS3 version)
Why I want to play: Um... it's killing zombies! I mean come on, of course I want to play it. But all kidding aside, this game looks great. As the sequel to one of the best zombie games to date, this game is very high on the list. Despite some of the negative fan reactions, I am personally stoked to play this game. New levels, better more fluid story and new features like melee weapons put this game in the must play category. Four player co-op at it's finest. Get some friends together and prepare for the zombie apocalypse.
Dragon Age Origins (360)
Release Date: 11/03/09
Why I want to play: Dragon Age Origins is an RPG from Bioware, creators of Boulders Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect (and many more)... nuff said. On their history alone I would buy this game but fortunately, it looks awesome too!!! Set in the Dragon Age world (think D&D style), Origins sets out to tell a "Dark, heroic fantasy" on an epic scale with mature themes. You play 1 of six different characters each with it's own unique story interactions and different story arcs through out depending on who and how you play. Bioware even boasts that some possible party members will not join depending on who/how you play. You might have them in your party during one play through and end up fighting them in another. Bottom line: Looks to be a Great RPG from the makers of some of the best RPG's ever made. Buy this game.
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