Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Making of ODST's Live Action Short

(Original full length clip)

I am sure that most of you have seen the above Live Action short that has been used in the marketing campaign for Halo 3: ODST. (If not, stop reading now and watch it) It truly is one of the most impressive shorts I have seen in quite some time (maybe ever). The film features some amazing visuals and seems to bring the Halo universe to life. Frankly, better that I ever thought possible. In fact, if they ever do make that Halo movie we would be lucky to have something look half this good. Seriously.

Well some of you may be wondering how exactly this short came to be? Fortunately you're in luck as the makers have put together the follow micro-documentary. In this video we get to see exactly what it took to make this masterpiece, shot locations, costume design as well as an all new scene not aired on TV. It is definitely worth checking out. Enjoy...

(New behind the scenes clip)

Source: Joystiq

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No Modern Warfare 2 Demo

(11.10.09 and not a minute sooner)

Unfortunately the guys at Infinity Ward have decided to forgo the demo in order to spend all the time they have left on the final game. I guess that's a good thing but I must say I am a little bummed. I played in both the original Modern Warfare Beta as well as the World at War Beta and I was really looking forward to playing in this one as well. Especially because it would allow me to get my fix before 11.10.09 (the game release date). Oh well, I guess I will just have to wait like everyone else.

Uncharted 2 Demo Available Now

That's right! The public Multiplayer Demo is now available for everyone. Head over to the PSN now get to downloading. This will be one of the best demos available this year but it is only available for about two weeks. Once the game launches October 13, 2009, the demo will be closed down. So get out there and get playing!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Games of Fall 2009 - Part 3

And here is the conclusion of my Games of Fall special. A brief look and some of the most wanted games on my radar (that weren't pushed back to 2010). Today, we are finishing up with the last two games to make the cut. Enjoy.

Left 4 Dead 2 (360)
Release Date: 11/17/09 (No official Release Date for the PS3 version)
Why I want to play: Um... it's killing zombies! I mean come on, of course I want to play it. But all kidding aside, this game looks great. As the sequel to one of the best zombie games to date, this game is very high on the list. Despite some of the negative fan reactions, I am personally stoked to play this game. New levels, better more fluid story and new features like melee weapons put this game in the must play category. Four player co-op at it's finest. Get some friends together and prepare for the zombie apocalypse.

Dragon Age Origins (360)
Release Date: 11/03/09
Why I want to play: Dragon Age Origins is an RPG from Bioware, creators of Boulders Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect (and many more)... nuff said. On their history alone I would buy this game but fortunately, it looks awesome too!!! Set in the Dragon Age world (think D&D style), Origins sets out to tell a "Dark, heroic fantasy" on an epic scale with mature themes. You play 1 of six different characters each with it's own unique story interactions and different story arcs through out depending on who and how you play. Bioware even boasts that some possible party members will not join depending on who/how you play. You might have them in your party during one play through and end up fighting them in another. Bottom line: Looks to be a Great RPG from the makers of some of the best RPG's ever made. Buy this game.

Forza 3 Demo Out Now!

That's right. The Forza 3 demo is available now on the XBL market place. Go now and check it out for yourself. I only had a little time with it myself, as I was feeling a little under the weather yesterday but I can say it is a solid demo. The menu is crisp and well done. The cars look fantastic and the track is great. The only gripe is that it is a little short. You get five cars (each in a different class) but the track only take about 2:30 to complete both laps. Of course, it's just a demo, but I want more!!! Guess I will have to wait till October to get a full experience.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Games of Fall 2009 - Part 2

Today we continue with Part 2 of my Games of Fall 2009 special. A look at the games that I am looking forward to, that didn't get pushed back to 2010. So, with out further delay, here we go...

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)
Release Date: 10/13/09
Why I want to play: Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (the first game in the series) was a fantastic game. Wonderful graphics, solid gameplay and a great story all wrapped in a wonderful series of locations. Very similar to the Tomb Raider series in many ways but based in a more realistic world with more of an everyman lead character. Uncharted 2 look to up the ante in every detail. Better gameplay, better animations, better puzzles, better story, possibly the best looking graphics I have ever seen and oh yeah, a FULL suite of multiplayer gamemodes AND Co-op! If you have somehow missed this game so far, stop reading now and go look at some of the gameplay videos. This is probably the #2 title on my list of must have games this year. (And yes, Modern Warfare 2 is #1)

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising (360, PS3)
Release Date: 10/08/09
Why I want to play: OK, so this is probably the worst title for a military shooter ever. It starts off okay with "Operation Flashpoint" and then takes a left turn into what sounds like an RPG with "Dragon Rising". But don't let that fool you, OF:DR is a serious Tactical Military Shooter. Amazing graphics, large open maps with multiple ways to attack the situation and gameplay that looks to be hyper realistic. In fact this game is all about realistic. The AI is supposed to be very advanced and react differently depending on how you attack. In theory you can get different results each time you play through a specific mission and with an open map the possibilities are endless. Attack from the north one time and next time flank around from the west. There is also full multiplayer and but the co-op has me most excited. The idea of playing through with 3 of my friends, planning an attack and carrying it out has me pumped to play this game.

That's it for now, stay tuned as I finish up with Part 3 tomorrow.

Left 4 Dead 2 Demo is Coming...

Left 4 Dead 2 is scheduled for release later this year and there has been a good bit of drama surrounding it. Mostly from the fans of the original surprise hit Left 4 Dead. It has quite a following and the fans are a little upset over the release of it's sequel so soon after the first one (about 1 year later). This biggest grips are that either the new game should have simply been downloadable content or that Valve (makers of the game) will simply quite providing support for the original title once the new one ships. Some groups of fans have even gone as far as to boycott the title upon release.

Well regardless of how you feel, a demo is coming to the XBL market place and PC on October 27th, 2009. You can have a chance to check it out for yourself and see if the new game is enough to stand on it's own. Few details are known at this time but the demo will feature Multiplayer and at least 10 of the all new melee weapons. I would guess that even the Boycotters will be downloading this demo. Just don't tell anyone.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Games of Fall 2009 - Part 1

With so many games being pushed back to 2010, exactly what games are still coming out this year? Today, I am going to take a little time and tell you about the games that I am looking forward to playing. All of the following games will be available before the end of 2009 and are in no particular order.

Let's get to it...

Halo 3: ODST (360)
Release Date: 9/22/09 (today)
Why I want to play: Halo 3: ODST is the latest installment in the Halo universe and was developed by Bungie, the original creators of the Halo franchise. In ODST, you play as an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (hence the title ODST). ODST are the best of the best when it comes to human marine troops. Not quite as powerful as a full on Spartan, but it's the next best thing and frankly a big draw to the game. I love the fact that you play as a different, less powerful character. Plus, Bungie did a few other things different in terms of story. It is more of an open world feel allowing player to go through the different missions in any order. Aside from the story, there is also an all new Co-Op mode called Firefight and the full Halo 3 Multiplayer game. If you're into Halo, this is a must buy.

Forza 3 (360)
Release Date: 10/27/09
Why I want to play: Forza 3 will possibly be the best Sim Racer ever made to date. The game will feature over 400 cars all beautifully crafted in every detail. With more polygons, full interiors and damage molding on every car, Forza 3 really ups the ante for all sim racers to come. Combine that with over 100 tacks, fully tunable, upgradeable cars and a killer paint system and you get a hands down must buy. Wether you're into sim racers or not, if you love cars, you need to check out this game.

Modern Warfare 2 (360, PS3)
Release Date: 11/10/09
Why I want to play: Do I really need to tell you? I mean, it's Modern Warfare 2. I have been playing Modern Warfare every day for the last 2 years and this new installment looks amazing! Aside from what will be a great story, this is the must have multiplayer title for this holiday season and probably a big reason why so many others pushed back their titles to 2010. No one want to go up against this juggernaut and with good cause. I predict this game will be the best selling game of all time to date. New Perks, new Kill Streaks, new Locations, new Weapons, new Gamemodes etc... If for some reason, you haven't checked this game out, do it NOW! This is the must have title this Christmas.

Stay tuned for Part 2 and 3...

Monday, September 21, 2009


OK, I admit it, I am a bit of a Zombie nut. I love killing Zombies and other Zombie related entertainment. Movies, Games whatever. If it has Zombies I usually try to check it out. I LOVE the Zombie mode from Call of Duty: WaW and Left 4 Dead (probably my two favorites) as well and the classic Zombie flicks.

Now, recently Zombies have been a bit of an up and coming trend. Seems like everybody is trying to cash in on the Zombiemania sweeping the country. Everybody and there dog wants to get in on it and there are more Zombie games and movies coming out than I can even count. Unfortunately due to the volume, some of them will fall through the cracks and I will never get a chance to see/play them.

But, fortunately I found one a few days ago that is a real gem. I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 (Yes, that is the actual title of the game) and it can be found under the "Indie" games section of XBL. This twin stick shooter won't win any awards and doesn't add anything new to the genera but it does have one of the best songs ever made for a video game. The soundtrack was obviously made by the game designer and just make the 100 times better.

You can check out the trial version for free or you could just go and pay the $1 for the full game (80 MS points). Ether way, it is worth a look... especially if you like Zombies. For a brief taste of the game and song, check out this video.

Free ODST Figurine and $20 Gift Card

Are you planning to pick up a copy of ODST this week? Yeah I thought so. Well, if you have a Toy's R Us near by you're in luck. They are giving away a Free ODST Figurine and $20.00 Gift Card with the purchase of the game (in store only, not online). All you have to do is stop by your local Toy's R Us and pick up a copy before September 26, 2009 and the FREE swag is yours. And if you were on the fence about getting ODST, an extra 20 bucks should help sway you.
If you are going to get this game this week, this is the best deal I have seen.

New Banner

As some of you may have noticed, I have an all new banner for the site. Special thanks to my good friend Atrum (aka Psylor) for putting in the time to do this for me. Very nice work!

Friday, September 18, 2009

The n00b Boyfriend

I saw this today and just had to share it. Enjoy...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Information Round_Up

As some of you may know, Infinity Ward recently held a special conference to unveil the much anticipated Multiplayer component of the upcoming Modern Warfare 2 (Well, at least part of it).

In this special conference several members of the press were invited to come and take part in a special closed beta and get a taste of what's to come. Keep in mine that not everything was available to play. This was really just a teaser but it did provide a lot of new information and hands-on experience.

I have decided to gather up all the best information from all of the various sites and compile a Round-Up of all the best information. Below is a breakdown of all the info.

  • High Rise - Just as you'd expect, this map takes place in a high rise building still under construction. Two towers opposite each other with various half constructed floors and plenty of sniping opportunities. There are also a few hallways and tunnels available for some close quarter fighting and flanking.
  • Favela - This is a typical urban village map most likely located in Rio. Located on a hill side there are a lot of changing elevations, building to hide in and choke points to spring and ambush. Vastly different than the High Rise map, this map is more suited for the run and gun style player with most battles happening in close to medium ranges (think Chinatown)
  • Afghan - And this final map from the Beta is set in the Desert Mountians lager open areas, cave dwellings, cliffs and a downed AC 130 Gunship. Another good sniping/counter sniping map with very few places to hide. Battles will range from action in and around the downed AC 130 to close battles in the caves to sniper stand offs.
Kill Streaks:
  • UAV - Returning from the first game, UAV is pretty much the same. It gives your team the location of enemy soldiers. However is does seem UAV's can be shot down this time around.
  • Counter UAV - A new addition, Counter UAV is as it sounds. A countermeasure used to scramble the signal and hide your team.
  • Sentry Guns - Moveable turret gun that fires automatically if a hostile comes into view. They are also moveable by anyone on your team.
  • Care Package - Mistry Box the drops from the sky and delivers a random prize. Could be more ammo, could be an AC 130 Gunship Strike. You never know until you open it up and find out. But you'd better do it quick and anyone can get you prize if they get there first, even the other team.
  • Predator Missile Strike - A player guided missile for when a regular air-strike just isn't enough. A warning appears on the screen about 3 seconds before the strike so you do have time to react and get out of dodge.
  • Air Strike - Also coming back is the standard Air Strike.
  • Helicopter - Also returning from MW1, this bad boy is pretty much unchanged from what I have seen. Completely automated and on a timer.
  • Pave Low - Not much is know about this one but it is aperantly a more advanced Attack Helicopter.
  • AC 130 Gunship - This we have seen before in previous clips. Player controlled and deadly. You can shoot it down but it also has countermeasures (flares) built in of protection. A truly deadly force only obtainable after 11 kills
Death Streaks:
  • Painkiller - Extra boost of health. (Achieved by dyeing three times in a row.)
  • Copycat - Get the full load out of the last person to kill you including guns, attachments and perks. (Achieved by dyeing four times in a row.)
  • Marathon - The ability to sprint non stop.
  • Commando - Longer melee attack distance. (Sweet!)
  • Slight of Hand - Faster reload time.
  • Stopping Power - Back more more in MW2. just like the original, it increases the damage of each bullet
  • Light Weight - Generally move faster.
  • Bling - The ability to use two (2) attachments on your primary weapon
  • Scavenger - Automatically picks up ammo by walking over fallen foes.
  • Hardline - Makes all Kill Streak bonuses available with one (1) less kill. (i.e. Getting a UAV from only two (2) kills)
Other Information:
  • Call Signs & Emblems - Different bonus symbols and tags unlocked by progressing through the MP game.
  • Tactical Insertion Flares - Used like a special grenade, you can drop one of these to pick your next respawn location.
  • Secondary Weapons - All players will now have access to any secondary weapons (i.e. Shotguns, Assault Rifles etc...)
  • Bonus Points - You can now get more points for more difficult kills. (i.e. Long range kills)
  • Pro Perks - Perks that get stronger the more you use them. (i.e. Getting 1000 kills using Stopping Power unlocks Stopping Power Pro.)
And there you have it. A breakdown of all the goods from Modern Warfare 2 event. Can't wait doesn't even start to describe it. Now excuse me while my head explodes.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Forza 3 Ferrari Pics

Developer Turn 10 is headed down the final straight towards the launch of Forza 3. The game is finished, gone Gold and is in production as we speak. They are also wrapping up a Demo set to hit the market place later this month. So what's there to do now? Why leak bits of information and screenshots of course.

And what's on the menu today? Ferrari! Here are a few to wet your appetite. Enjoy...

And head over to for even more with new shots being added every day.

Special Edition 360's

They'll be here before you know it.

First up is the Halo 3 ODST Special Edition. This set contains a 360, 1 Wireless Controller and a 120 gig HD plus a copy of Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach Multiplayer Beta key.

Not bad, but it is basically just an Elite with two games and a beta key. Also, No word on price or wether or not it will be available here in the US. So far only Europe and South Africa are confirmed.

Next up is the big daddy, the Rumored Super Elite with an all new Modern Warfare 2 theme. This bad boy has a custom themed 360, 250 gig HD, 2 Wireless Controllers and a standard Copy of MW2. All for only $399.00!

Of the two choices, this one is a no brainer.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Producing Video Games Today... At What Cost?

I am taking all the fun out of making games... Seriously!

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick (pictured above) has a very interesting take on the subject. In a recent statement given during a Technology Conference Bobby had a number of interesting and frankly disturbing things to say regarding video games publishing. And as a gamer, I must say, I am a little taken back at how he runs one of the worlds largest video game publishing companies.

He said "The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games."

He goes on to state that he sets goals that "really [reward] profit and nothing else" and that keeping an air of "skepticism, pessimism, and fear" is a good method for "keeping people focused on the deep depression." Making sure his people are looking at the bottom line and nothing else.

That might be a good way to run a business and keep the profit margins in the black, but is it really the way a video game publisher fosters creative development? Is this the kind of environment that can generate truly "great" video games?

Personally, I am not so sure. I mean, sure, a company needs to be profitable. After all, everyone needs to make money and the people involved in making the game need to be paid. And more profit means more money. More money means we can continue to make more new titles and keep people employed. And all of that is good. But at what point do you draw the line and stop running things like a business and start to look at what it is you are actually producing?

I mean, at some point you have to realize that your "job" is to produce video games which are by nature "creative". Now from my experience, "creative" people generally don't do well in an overly structured environment. Sure everybody had deadlines, pressure, budgets etc... That is the nature of the business but is it really necessary to take it to the extreme? Should we put profit over product? Should we allow the bottom line to be the driving force in a an industry built on peoples passions and dreams?

I gotta believe that the answer is no. Would we have ever seen games like Beyond Good and Evil or Oddworld if the people publishing those games were so worried about the bottom line? The industry already has too few truly new IP's. If everybody thought like Bobby, I am not sure we would ever see a new IP again.

In a world already filling up with sequels and trilogies, what does this say for the future? It is certainly a lot cheeper to make a sequel than to put the money into a new IP. I mean there is no guarantee that the new game will be either popular or well received. It's a gamble. So if I am looking at the bottom line, I say we make Guitar Hero 15 and Modern Warfare 11 well before we ever look and making a new game.

The problem is, that while it may be profitable today, eventually those brands will fade away without innovation. Without new advances and creative leaps forward, no one will want to play those games. We must strive for truly ground breaking ideas, new IP's and original thought if we hope to keep the industry going forward in the direction that it has been. We have to foster the imaginations behind the games if we want truly new and amazing experiences.

Yes, the industry needs to make money, but at what cost?

Monday, September 14, 2009

That's Not a Demo...

THIS is a Demo! I am talking about the upcoming demo for Uncharted 2 that is set to hit the PSN on September 29th.

So what makes this demo... THE demo? Well, it mostly comes down to sheer volume. The good folks at Naughty Dog have put pretty much everything they could into the demo (possibly even the kitchen sink). Stretching the limit, this 1.5gig Download has more maps and features then I have ever seen in a public demo. So, let's break it down and a take a good look.

First off, the demo will include 4 Multiplayer maps, 4 Adversarial game modes, 2 Co-op modes, full Cinema mode (For recording and editing matches), Custom game sets, new Skins, Upgrades and much more!

Developer Naughty Dog said that they wanted to give you as much as possible in a reasonably sized file. Sounds to me like they succeeded. The only down side is that the demo will only be available up to the Launch of the full game, which is set to hit store shelves on October 13, 2009. So that only leaves you with about two weeks of fun before you have to go out and buy the full game.

Still, it should be more than enough time to get a solid taste of what's to come. And as mentioned above, this demo will be made public for anyone with a PS3 (and internet connection). So set your calendar and get ready to check it out for yourselves. See you online!

New Red vs Blue/ODST Episode

And the hits just keep on coming. In this episode, the guys finally get to try on the new ODST Armor and come face to face with Sgt. Johnson. Really funny, check it out...

(But don't look directly into his eyes)

Forza 3's Intro Video

Take a look at the Intro Video to the upcoming Forza 3. Good stuff...

No actual gameplay, but it appears to be all done with in game graphics and looks amazing! I can't wait for this game!!!

Forza 3 Goes Gold & Demo Details

That's right. Forza 3 has officially gone gold and with the official launch set for October 27, 2009 (Here in the US) it seems developer Turn 10 has made it with plenty of time to spare.

Curious about the new Graphics? Damage Model? Rewind Feature? Cockpit View? Find out for your self on September 24th, when the new Demo launches. Also included in the demo are the following cars:

  • 2007 Porsche #80 Flying Lizard 911 GT3-RSR
  • 2010 Audi R8 5.2 FSI quattro
  • 2009 Ferrari California
  • 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X GSR
  • 2009 Mini John Cooper Works

And the full track version of the Camino Viejo Circuit.

Check back for Demo Impressions and more and information arrives.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baptized by Fire - Online Gaming at it's Best

What is "Baptized by Fire" (or BBF)? Well, among other things, it's one of the best multi-gaming, multi-platform online gaming clans out there today. BBF supports almost every major game on most of the major platforms available. Everything from PC to the 360 to the PS3 is covered under one comprehensive web site and forums:

But BBF is much more than just a multi gaming clan. It's a good group of people that came together to not only play competitively, but also play fairly. In fact, that is one of the founding principals. No Glitching or Cheating of any kind. A rule that is most refreshing in todays gaming community and what originally drew me to BBF more than three years ago. Well, that and the promise to play with people who were friendly and worked well as a team. Both equally important elements when you head online to play competitively.

I remember playing GRAW (Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter) back when I first got my 360. I went online and began the ritual of finding a room and playing with "Randoms". Now anyone who has actually done this knows that it can be a less than satisfying experience. "Randoms" are just that, random people playing online. Some have mics and some don't, some of them communicate well and some don't. And some of them are just down right idiots! I guess it's the nature of the beast. Everyone is 10 foot tall online and with no "Real Life" repercussion some of these people become complete asses!

It's an unfortunately side effect of online gaming which is otherwise a very enjoyable rewarding experience. I mean who doesn't want to test their skills against real life opponents. Do you have what it takes? And the more you play against real people the better you play. So, we put up with the "Randoms" and hope for the best when the game launches. Well, one day I found my self on a team that was actually communicating and working together!?!? "WTF? Does that actually happen?" I thought to myself as I watched the other team get decimated. And the icing on the cake was that after the match the guys were very nice and never talked down to the other team.

People who win and don't act like asses after they win??? Was I connected to the Twilight Zone? Perhaps someone was playing a very elaborate joke on me. Well, either way I was going to check it out.

So I sent a Friend Request to one of the players and started to play with them on a regular basis. I met more members, made more friends and really started to enjoying playing online. Not only was I able to challenge my skills as an online player, but I was able to do so with a group of mature, intelligent and respectful players. Now, if you never played a squad based game like GRAW (or COD, Gears, Halo etc...) with a group of friend working together, you are really missing out. These games lend themselves to teamwork and a good group of players working together and communicating is hard to beat.

So after a few weeks of playing with these guys I decided to check out the website (mentioned above) and see what this was all about. I joined shortly after and never looked back. Now I had never been in a clan before (and never intend to be a part of another one either) but I can tell you that BBF is one of the best. How do I know? Well the simple figures will tell you a lot.

First off, BBF was founded back in 2000 as a PC gaming clan based out of Canada. A few years later some of the members got into the original Xbox and eventually branched out onto Xbox Live. Since that point BBF has continued to grow and expand into the multi gaming clan it is today covering all major games and platforms. Today, we have over 300 active members, many of which are long time members of 3+ years and some are still around from the very beginning 9 years ago!

And as if that weren't enough, we also have held many records including #1 in the world for C&C: RA2's official ladder, several best clan awards and numerous Top 10 listing in several games for both Xbox and PC games.

And somehow we manage to do it all with out Cheating or Glitching and conducting ourselves with honor and maturity. Rare traits in today's online gaming.

Which leads me to the last point I want to talk about. Friendship. Yes, friendship and I am not talking about random people you play with online but actual friends. People you get to know and have fun being around. Perhaps the best trait and most intangible at the same time. BBF somehow transcends the tradition online gaming clan into something more. A group friends with a real sense of camaraderie that goes beyond the boundaries of a game. Over the years I have gotten to know many of the members personally and can truly call some of them real friends.

It's a sense that many of my fellow BBF'ers share and part of the reason we have all stuck around for so long. If it sounds like something you'd be interested in due yourself a favor and stop by the forums and check us out. We are probably the most friendly and stable clan you are ever going to find. A true testament to what an online gaming clan should be.

And if you see a team jump in your lobby with "BBF" tags on, don't panic, we may beat you but at least we won't be asses about it.

PS3 Ad Pulled

A funny PS3 ad? Surprisingly, Yes. For the first time in a long time (maybe forever) Sony has managed to put out very clever ads for the PS3. They started around the same time as the new PS3 slim and price drop to $299.00. Here it is in all it's glory...

Unfortunately, not everyone thought the ad was so funny. Apparently the Country of Nigeria is not too pleased over some of the wording in the ad. More specifically the line

"You can't believe everything you read on the internet. Otherwise, I'd be a Nigerian millionaire by now."

Claiming that the ad is an "unwarranted attack on the reputation and image of the country" And they are demanding the ad be pulled and an official apology be issued.

Unfortunately for us, Sony has complied and pulled the ad from the air. They did reissue the ad with new wording but it's not quite the same. The line now reads...

"You can't believe everything you read on the internet. That's how WWI got started."

They also issued the following official apology:

"It has come to our attention that a recent TV advertisement for PlayStation may have offended some members of the Nigerian community. We never intended to create a situation that would upset anyone, and we have taken action to immediately remove the advertisement from the air. We apologize to anyone this may have offended."

It really is too bad. In my opinion the line was not offensive or an attack on Nigeria but rather a commentary on how ridiculous the "Nigerian Scam" is. Furthermore, it's not Sony's fault that these scams exist or that they are now a pop culture reference. Many comedians have made similar jokes in the past but unfortunately, Sony is catching the heat.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bioshock 2 Multiplayer Trailer

The first Bioshock was one of the best games to come out on any console and absolutely one of the best games of 2008. So it's no surprise that Bioshock 2 is one of the most anticipated games for 2010 (now that it has been pushed back like everything else). Now the original was Single Player only and did a magnificent job of combining atmosphere, lighting and sounds to create a wonderfully immersive environment.

With Bioshock 2, not only are we going to get another chapter in the story of Rapture (fictional underwater city) but we also get a multiplayer component to go with it. And today we get to take a look at the debut trailer.

Personally, it looks very interesting to me. Definitely NOT the traditional shooter, but that is part of the charm of Bioshock. Seems to be a little more along the lines of Team Fortress, with the different plasmids almost acting as different classes. Also with all the different plasmids going off all over the place, it's going to be a very hectic place to play. Not for everybody but it looks like it will be a good distraction from the Call of Duty type games come next year. Be sure to let me know what you think.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

All Things Forza 3

Turn 10 has just released a number of new screenshots showing off one of their newest components. Austrailian Touring Cars (V8 Supercars). Very impressive. Take a look...

And for more photos head over to Kotaku.

and in related news. Turn 10 has also released a new video premiering the coveted Bugatti Veyron. Very nice indeed. Forza 3 is really starting to look like the must have racing title this Holiday Season.

And to top it all off, here is a little info on the two disk situation. For those of you who are not aware, Forza 3 will ship with 2 DVD's covering over 400 fully destructible cars and 60+ tracks. So how's this gonna work? In an interview with Joystiq, Dan Greenawalt (Game Developer) sheds some light on the situtation:

We do have 400 cars and they all feature damage, rollover, and cockpits. It's not just a small subset, but everyone of them feature that. All of them can be painted, put on the auction house, and used in [user-generated content]. But to answer your question, the way it is done is that we've got a primary disc, which has 300 cars on it, which is a ton of cars -- more than Forza Motorsport 2.

The second disc contains three environments, and another 100-plus cars. What you do is actually install all the content from disc two as if it was DLC and then it automatically integrates into your game. So you can play off disc one without installing it, without ripping to the hard drive, and all the disc two content you have installed (similar to DLC) gets put into the career as AI opponents and shows in your career mode, as different races and the tracks change out. You can make the game more deep, if you like, by adding that content. But the truth is we got so many tacks and so many cars on disc one that even disc one itself is the largest game that's going to be available this holiday.
For the full interview, head over here.

MW2 Flag Runner Rewind

The good folks at decided to take a closer look and the all new gameplay footage we saw yesterday. In this clip, they are going to slowdown the action and bring you info that you might have missed.


Having trouble with the embedded code so here is the link...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Modern Warfare 2 Gameplay Uncut - Flag Runner

That's right. All new uncut footage of Modern Warfare 2. In this clip we get to see an all new game mode called Flag Runner. Obviously a variation of Capture the flag with some slight differences. First off there seems to be 1 central flag that you have to stand on for a few seconds in order to capture. Other than that it seems pretty straight forward.

Other things to keep an eye out for include, New challenges, New Kill Streak Bonuses and THROWING KNIVES! Oh yeah! Take a look for your self...