What is "Baptized by Fire" (or BBF)? Well, among other things, it's one of the best multi-gaming, multi-platform online gaming clans out there today. BBF supports almost every major game on most of the major platforms available. Everything from PC to the 360 to the PS3 is covered under one comprehensive web site and forums:
But BBF is much more than just a multi gaming clan. It's a good group of people that came together to not only play competitively, but also play fairly. In fact, that is one of the founding principals. No Glitching or Cheating of any kind. A rule that is most refreshing in todays gaming community and what originally drew me to BBF more than three years ago. Well, that and the promise to play with people who were friendly and worked well as a team. Both equally important elements when you head online to play competitively.
I remember playing GRAW (Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter) back when I first got my 360. I went online and began the ritual of finding a room and playing with "Randoms". Now anyone who has actually done this knows that it can be a less than satisfying experience. "Randoms" are just that, random people playing online. Some have mics and some don't, some of them communicate well and some don't. And some of them are just down right idiots! I guess it's the nature of the beast. Everyone is 10 foot tall online and with no "Real Life" repercussion some of these people become complete asses!
It's an unfortunately side effect of online gaming which is otherwise a very enjoyable rewarding experience. I mean who doesn't want to test their skills against real life opponents. Do you have what it takes? And the more you play against real people the better you play. So, we put up with the "Randoms" and hope for the best when the game launches. Well, one day I found my self on a team that was actually communicating and working together!?!? "WTF? Does that actually happen?" I thought to myself as I watched the other team get decimated. And the icing on the cake was that after the match the guys were very nice and never talked down to the other team.
People who win and don't act like asses after they win??? Was I connected to the Twilight Zone? Perhaps someone was playing a very elaborate joke on me. Well, either way I was going to check it out.
So I sent a Friend Request to one of the players and started to play with them on a regular basis. I met more members, made more friends and really started to enjoying playing online. Not only was I able to challenge my skills as an online player, but I was able to do so with a group of mature, intelligent and respectful players. Now, if you never played a squad based game like GRAW (or COD, Gears, Halo etc...) with a group of friend working together, you are really missing out. These games lend themselves to teamwork and a good group of players working together and communicating is hard to beat.
So after a few weeks of playing with these guys I decided to check out the website (mentioned above) and see what this was all about. I joined shortly after and never looked back. Now I had never been in a clan before (and never intend to be a part of another one either) but I can tell you that BBF is one of the best. How do I know? Well the simple figures will tell you a lot.
First off, BBF was founded back in 2000 as a PC gaming clan based out of Canada. A few years later some of the members got into the original Xbox and eventually branched out onto Xbox Live. Since that point BBF has continued to grow and expand into the multi gaming clan it is today covering all major games and platforms. Today, we have over 300 active members, many of which are long time members of 3+ years and some are still around from the very beginning 9 years ago!
And as if that weren't enough, we also have held many records including #1 in the world for C&C: RA2's official ladder, several best clan awards and numerous Top 10 listing in several games for both Xbox and PC games.
And somehow we manage to do it all with out Cheating or Glitching and conducting ourselves with honor and maturity. Rare traits in today's online gaming.
Which leads me to the last point I want to talk about. Friendship. Yes, friendship and I am not talking about random people you play with online but actual friends. People you get to know and have fun being around. Perhaps the best trait and most intangible at the same time. BBF somehow transcends the tradition online gaming clan into something more. A group friends with a real sense of camaraderie that goes beyond the boundaries of a game. Over the years I have gotten to know many of the members personally and can truly call some of them real friends.
It's a sense that many of my fellow BBF'ers share and part of the reason we have all stuck around for so long. If it sounds like something you'd be interested in due yourself a favor and stop by the
forums and check us out. We are probably the most friendly and stable clan you are ever going to find. A true testament to what an online gaming clan should be.
And if you see a team jump in your lobby with "BBF" tags on, don't panic, we may beat you but at least we won't be asses about it.